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What Not To Put Down the Drain

Clogged drain, what not to put down the drain to prevent
Knowing what not to put down the drain is crucial. Even with a garbage disposal, certain foods can cause that dreaded soupy backup in seconds. Other substances, like medications, can contaminate the local watershed. Bleach could damage your pipes. And even ... Read More

Home Maintenance Reminders & Checklist

Image of a toy house on a notepad with a pen representing home maintenance reminders
Day to day home maintenance tasks are easy to remember. But ones you need to do only occasionally? Not so much. And sometimes the consequences of a task slipping your mind can be unfortunate. Like letting your water heater get so ... Read More

Confused About Estate Planning Terms?

Man using computer laptop confused about estate planning terms
POA, Living Will, Inter Vivos Trust? These are just a few of the confusing terms used in estate planning. Below are some commonly used terms. For the rest, you’ll find a link to a comprehensive estate planning glossary at the end ... Read More