Category: Home Maintenance & Improvement

What Not To Put Down the Drain

Clogged drain, what not to put down the drain to prevent

Knowing what not to put down the drain is crucial. Even with a garbage disposal, certain foods can cause that dreaded soupy backup in seconds. Other substances, like medications, can contaminate the local watershed. Bleach could damage your pipes. And even “biodegradable” substances don’t dissolve quickly and may cause a clog. In the unfortunate case of a  back up, try these tips to unclog any drain  before calling the plumber. I Haven’t Had To Call My Plumber Since He Gave Me These Tips Plumbers would rather get paid for the big jobs than come out to your house to unclog a drain. That’s probably why my plumber gave me these tips the last time my kitchen sink backed up: 1) Don’t put anything down the drain you couldn’t shred with a box grater. 2) Pour a tea kettle’s worth of boiling water down the drain every three months. Here’s What Not To Put Down Any Drain Print this list and tape it to the inside of the cabinet door near your sink where your partner, house keeper, kids and house guests can see it. The dinner guest who insists on helping with the dishes may mean well, but they could […]

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How To Choose the Right Mattress

Young women on bed with comfortable mattress

Wondering how to choose the right mattress? Choosing a mattress is a big deal. Mattresses range in price from a few hundred to thousands of dollars. And choosing the wrong one will be a mistake you’ll live with for years. Recently, after seeing an ad for a “sale,” I decided to get a new mattress for my guest room. I did some sleuthing and found what looked like a good deal. Then I read my notes from the last time I bought a mattress…seven years ago. There’s a lot to learn. I hope these notes help you as much as they helped me. How to Choose the Right Mattress My first try at buying a mattress didn’t go so well. I ordered a premium brand mattress online. When it arrived, I was so disappointed. I tried to sit on the edge of the bed. It was so soft I slid off. And the mattress was so deep my feet didn’t reach the floor. Returning it was a hassle. And since they had taken my old mattress, I had to sleep in the guest room until I bought a new one. For help choosing the right mattress, see How To Choose […]

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Is Your Hot Water Heater an Accident Waiting to Happen?

hot water heater

Your hot water heater may need attention. If you’re like most people, you don’t think much about your water heater. As long as it works, no problem, right? Not necessarily. The first sign it’s on the blink might be a cold shower, or worse yet, a flooded home or apartment. Check the warranty. Most warranties are 6-12 years. If yours is expired, think about replacing it. If you rent, ask your landlord about the warranty, especially if the heater is in your unit. At my previous apartment the water heater was in my unit. It started leaking at 3:30 AM. Fortunately, I was able to call the landlord and he took care of it. If I had been away the leak could have gone on for days, flooding my unit and possibly the one below. If needed, turn the temperature setting down to avoid scalding. Turn the shower on to the hottest setting. If you can’t hold your hand under the water, the water heater temperature setting is probably too high. Check the manual to see how to turn it down. Most people find that 120 degrees is enough. Bonus: Turning the temperature down will save a little on your […]

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