Category: Careers

When a Friend Loses a Job, Here’s How to Help.

a friend loses a job

When a friend loses a job it’s hard to know what to say or do. Hopefully, you know your friend well enough to know what kind of support they’d appreciate or what they might resent or find embarrassing. If they want to talk, the best thing you can do is listen. No platitudes. No advice unless they ask for it. Just listen. Other than that, here are a few more ways you can help when a friend loses a job. How you can help Like everything else, the pandemic has limited what we can do to help a friend who loses a job. A hug? Nope. Meet for dinner or a drink? Not anytime soon. But here are some other ideas: A phone call. The sound of your voice is more comforting than an email. Offer to be a reference or write a recommendation. Money. If you’re able, they might appreciate a loan or gift. You could use a birthday or holiday as an excuse for a card and some cash. Here’s a list of U.S. holidays. There’s even one called “Friendship Day.” Gift cards. For their go-to grocery store, online shopping, movie or music streaming resource. Check out the options at […]

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